Emergency Homeless Shelter
"Where Families and Individuals find their way!!"
(906) 424-4429

How can I help?
We have many ways to help here at Abundant Life Mission.
The easiest one is financial. It costs thousands of dollars to keep the power on and the heat going in winter as well as providing 3 meals a day for a group of men, women, and children that can add up to 88. If you would like to donate financially, please click the DONATE button to the right.
Another way to give is of your time.
Giving of your time also known as Volunteering is a great way to give back. We are always looking for volunteers in many departments such as Front Desk Associate, Office Associate, Food Service and Thrift Store. We also need a number of people to sit on specialized committees such as Fundraising and Grant Writing Committees.
If you are interested in volunteering at Abundant Life Mission, Click VOLUNTEER to the right to start on the path of becoming a piece of the Abundant Life Puzzle.